So a few weeks ago we got our big shipment. About 6 weeks after arriving we received our quick shipment which had some clothes, bedding, some toys, and kitchen necessities. The big shipment had everything else...decor, more clothes, toys, books, not to mention food (mostly Costco stuff) oh, how we've missed Costco! It was quite the process getting it. The ship landed in Chile around the 20th of August. Usually from there it will take about a week with travel time to La Paz and getting through customs, but we hit all sorts of bumps. First, there was a strike at the port right after our stuff arrived so nothing could leave. When it finally did make it to La Paz there computer systems were down for a few days so they got backed up. Anyway, they kept giving us dates when it was going to arrive and they kept changing. First it was going to come on the 6th, then the 9th, the 12th, then the 16th. We found out on the 14th that there was going to be a big blockade up in El Alto (which was where our stuff was) on the 16th and nothing would be able to get through. Somehow the guy that was organizing it was able to get things ready for the night of the 15th so we didn't have to wait until the next week. It worked out great because Tim had no work the next day due to the blockade and protests so we got to stay home and unpack together. Somehow our wonderful maid made her way through the chaos too and came and helped me tackle the whole kitchen that day. We had over 150 boxes total. Much of that was food and kitchen supplies. It was like Christmas the night we got our stuff. We opened all of the toys that night and the kids were so excited to see them all. We even got our car a few days later, which was like Christmas for Tim and I!
Max playing with his lego car.
Liv with baby Zoe.
One of the things the kids looked forward to getting the most was their rain gear, hats, boots and umbrellas. They wore them around the house quite a bit that weekend.
For about a week after getting our stuff our entire yard was filled with empty boxes. Good thing our house is gated because we looked pretty "White Trash"
A few days later was the Utah vs. BYU game. Max sported his Utah Superhero cape this day. Sorry to say Mayka, but he has yet to wear it with the BYU side up. He thought about it one day and I told him he could as long as his dad didn't see, but he decided he didn't want to do anything his dad wouldn't approve of.

Soon after our shipment came I was really anxious to get our decor up on the walls. We put in a request for some workers from the Embassy to come and hang it all (we can't do anything for ourselves anymore), but they were taking much too long so I put Max to work!
oh sure give him a guilt trip... you know deep down inside he really wants to have the BYU side up.