So within the first week we learned some valuable things about our house.
1) There is no central heating. Four space heaters just don't quite cut it. We do have a fireplace...that is if you have the skills to keep a fire going with such little oxygen. Good thing Tim is an Eagle Scout ;). Jackets, sweaters, and thick socks are good things to pack if you come visit. Its not quite as bad now as it was the first week, but it is winter here so the mornings and nights get cold. It is good to brace yourself when you first sit on the toilet seat...its a little shocking. I did go out and buy an extra space heater for our bathroom though and that brings me joy.
2) Even though we live in a nice home, I sometimes get a little reminiscent about camping trips growing up. Why, you ask? The water is the biggest reason. Our tap water isn't so clean. In the beginning I was really paranoid about showering and washing our dishes. (We have a purifier for drinking and cooking so that wasn't a worry.) I was actually using the purified water for washing dishes the first few days, but that was a pain, and people told us as long as you let your dishes get completely dry after washing them you should be okay. Still, I can't help but think of camping trips with my dad washing dishes in the lake or river water, but at least he boiled it. :) When we went camping we always had clean water to use for brushing our teeth...its not much different here we have two liter water bottles in each bathroom for this purpose. A time or two I have forgotten and stuck my toothbrush under the tap. We've spent several nights huddled around our fireplace to stay warm. By the end of the night we have a little bit of that campfire smell I love so dearly.